Friday 28 May 2010

Spring Arts Festival

For the spring arts festival, I had to complete pictures by making them suitable to pin on the wall for all to see. I first had to give my work a nice background, then after I finished the picture, Mr. Muntwyler sent them out to become picture form; on photo paper, nice and shiny. After my pictures came back, looking nce and professional, I glued it to paper and labeled it with my name, the title of my picture, and if it was an original, imitated, or instructed design. When everything was done, I had to pin it up on the walls of Ms. Maclean. I'm glad I did digital art this year, because I think I've learnt alot in this class.

Tuesday 4 May 2010

The very different snowman

I made this very different snowman by looking at a webpage that showed you how to make things like clocks, kokeshi dolls, and more. It was really, really challenging because the webpage didn't explane the steps propperly so I basically just had to follow the pictures, that is why it doesn't look exactly the way it did on the webpage, but then again it make it original. I personally like the way I made this snowman, although it is a bit strange and different... It's my snowman and I'm proud of it.

Tuesday 27 April 2010


In this picture you can see five pictures of PJ's that I made using vector graphic images that I've made already. I used the Pattern tool to fille the tops and bottoms of the PJ's. It was quite challenging since every time I imported one of my previously made images, inkscape would tell me that it would have to turn off. Four out of five times it shut down, it didn't save my work so I'd have to start over again. It was really frustrating!!! But after many times of starting over and getting myself worked-up, I finelly got it finished and exported it and put it here on Blogger to write about it. After all that work I am glad I was there to do it. I really liked it. I'd do it again if I could. It was awsome!

Wednesday 3 March 2010


In the last class I went outside to take photographs of the things around the school. The aim of the lesson was to take alot of photos, focus and reframing, getting close to your subject, and changing your perspective. I tried to take pictures that weren't boring and having the main thing to focus on just in the middle, I tried to make the main object to the sides of the photo, where you would still see it but the picture would be more interesting than the normal boring ones people make. It was really fun doing this and although I was really bad at this task, I think my pictures were okey. In this picture that I took, for example, instead of just taking a picture of a sign saying "Wanderweg", i put the sign with a hill with a tree, bench, and a rock on it. I think it looks much, much better than just a picture of a boring sign.

Wednesday 10 February 2010

From zebra to lion to monkey

After making basic shapes,using shadows, and using path operathions to make intersections and other stuff, I was aloud to try to make a basic animal; there were many animals to choose that Mr. Muntwyler put up on the bourd. I decided to make a zebra first because, coming from South Africa and seeing them alot, i have started to like them. It was quite tricky to make the nine stripes on the face of the zebra in the exact same position as the ones aross from it. After completing the zebra I tried to make a lion. The tricky things on that were the whiskers. I liked this task because it challenged me a bit.

Friday 5 February 2010

Making different shapes

In the latest classes I learnt how to make different shapes using path operathions. I had to try to do it with out even going on to path at the top of the page, I tried it with the clicking Ctrl and then anothor key like the * or the ^ or even simple ones like + and -. My favourite shape is the one with a circle and a triangle that I used difference to make. I put a circle infront of a triangle then I clicked on both objects whilst holding the sift button. Then I clicked on path and then on "difference" that is in the "path box"(the box that comes up when you go over path, on the tool bar at the top of the screen, with your mouse.

Friday 29 January 2010

Making a Face

In only the third class I learnt how to make a face. Mr. Muntwyler showed me that there was a youtube site with directions to make a basic face like the one I made on the left. I followed the directions and made the basic face. Then I tried to make the face more complex like some of the ones you see on TV shows. I made the face you see on the right. It was quite simple really, although i didn't have time to make the eyes, nose and mouth. It is so much fun to make new and exiting shapes.