Wednesday 3 March 2010


In the last class I went outside to take photographs of the things around the school. The aim of the lesson was to take alot of photos, focus and reframing, getting close to your subject, and changing your perspective. I tried to take pictures that weren't boring and having the main thing to focus on just in the middle, I tried to make the main object to the sides of the photo, where you would still see it but the picture would be more interesting than the normal boring ones people make. It was really fun doing this and although I was really bad at this task, I think my pictures were okey. In this picture that I took, for example, instead of just taking a picture of a sign saying "Wanderweg", i put the sign with a hill with a tree, bench, and a rock on it. I think it looks much, much better than just a picture of a boring sign.

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